Pinebrook Park - Picnic Table Mural
Installed in Pinebrook Park as part of the City of Waterloo Pincnic Table Mural Project (2024); this piece celebrates natural heritage features in Waterloo. It was inspired by the urban wetland areas in West Waterloo specifically and the rivers and creeks that run through the area. The work recognizes and appreciates several species of native flora and fauna which inhabit the local ecosystem and the connecting waters. You will notice representations of a red-winged blackbird, rock bass, chickadee and northern leopard frog. Plant illustrations pay tribute to the aster, jewelweed and ash tree.
Urbanization is a key driver of wetland loss. As our population grows and more homes are built, protecting and restoring wetlands will be of critical importance to conserve water, mitigate climate change, prevent flood damage and filter pollution. I hope this piece will help people connect to nature, appreciate the species that live in these areas and recognize their own reliance on and relationship with these local ecosystems.